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A b o u t

avner shafrir אבנר שפריר

Born in Tel Aviv, 1953, a father of three and a grandfather of four, I started my career as a software engineer and then I became a partner in the first high-tech start-up in Israel that developed products over the internet. At the age of 50 I retired from the industry and studied clinical social work. These days I practice psychotherapy. In the last five years, the artistic endeavor occupies most of my time both in Tel Aviv and Crete.


* Bachelor's degree in Mathematics - Tel Aviv University (1972)

* Master's degree in Computer Science - Weizmann Institute (1976)

* Master's  degree in Clinical Social Work - Bar Ilan University (2005)

* Master's degree (thesis) in Buddhist philosophy. With Great Honors - Tel Aviv University (2015)

Credits and Thanks

To the artist Dvora Morag for her guidance and counseling over the years.

To the photographer Nir Alon who photographed the sculptures, and to the artist Michal Bar-Or and Avi Levy, who photographed the paintings.

To my dear friends who gave me valuable feedbacks along the process.

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